Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Christin's Corner

Today, September 12, is a day worth celebrating for it marks an important milestone in my life and career.  It's my one year anniversary as the Extension Agent for Agriculture in Carroll County!

One whole year.  Wow.

It's hard to believe how fast time passes.  As a kid, I remember hearing that the older you get, the faster the years go by.  Of course, at the time, I thought this concept was crazy--school days seemed to never end.  However, today, I find that these words couldn't be more true.  In fact, it's a treat when I am able to sit down, attempt to slow time, and reflect on what is occurring around me.

As I look back on the past year, I see how much I have grown as an Extension Agent, and as a person.  Carroll County has been absolutely wonderful to me.  The people here have responded to me so well, and I am honored to work with some exceptional individuals and groups through Extension.  It's the relationships I've developed with these great people that make my job so rewarding.

I've been a part of a lot of good things during my first year, but my biggest achievement to date has to be seeing a 4-H Agent hired for the county--a position that had remained vacant for three years.  This goal was something that was brought to my attention in my very first week on the job, and together with the Extension District Board, County Extension Council, 4-H supporters, and the great ladies in the office, we achieved our goal on August 20.  What a great feeling it is to accomplish something that you've worked so hard for.

Of course the year hasn't been without its challenges, but that's what makes the job great--when you overcome those challenges.  I enjoy the work I do in Extension so much, and I can honestly say I look forward to heading into the office every day.  I eagerly anticipate what interesting things the day will bring.

I'm fortunate to be a part of Extension and have a job that I enjoy so much.  There's nothing better than loving what you get to do every day.  A special thanks goes out to the supporters of the Carroll County Cooperative Extension Service, and the volunteers I have the pleasure of working with and serving on a daily basis.  You've made my first year wonderful, and I cannot thank you enough.

So, here's to one year down with many, many, many, MANY more to go!

Some reminders for this anniversary post:
  • The 2012 Carroll County Senior Event will be held tomorrow, September 13, at Point Park in Carrollton.  This year's theme is "An Old-Fashioned Picnic" and it begins at 5:00 PM.  If you would like to be a volunteer for the event, and give back to our senior citizens, come see me at the Volunteer Sign-In table near the entrance tomorrow night.  I know I'll have a spot just for you!
  • The area-wide Kentucky Master Stocker Program begins on Tuesday, September 18 at the Boone County Extension Office.  Contact me at the Carroll County Extension Office for registration information.
  • The Carroll County Conservation District will be hosting a Wildlife Habitat Field Day on September 20, starting at 5:30 PM.  I have the honor of being one of the guest speakers for the field day, which will be held at the Outdoor Classroom in Carroll County.  I hope to see you there!

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