Thursday, March 6, 2014

Landscape Pruning

Weekly Newspaper Article for The News-Democrat, Carrollton, KY

It has been a long, hard, and cold winter for Carroll County.  With the snowy and icy weather we have experienced this week, the beginning of March has certainly lived up to the age-old saying, "in like a lion."  Let us all hope it will go "out like a lamb."

Believe it or not, spring really is on the way, causing homeowners to begin turning their attention to the landscape.

To ensure healthy spring plants, consider pruning trees and shrubs around the home that have been affected by the weather.  However, do not prune just for the sake of pruning--be sure to have a valid reason.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Timely Cattle Tips for January

Weekly Newspaper Article for The News-Democrat, Carrollton, KY

(University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service)

Spring-Calving Cow Herd

Start cows on the high magnesium mineral supplement soon.  Consider protein supplementation if hay is less than 10% crude protein.  If cows are thin, begin energy (grain) supplementation now.

Consider vaccinating the cows to help prevent calf scours.

Get ready for calving season.  See that all equipment and materials are ready, including obstetrical equipment, record forms or booklets, ear tags, scales for obtaining birthweights, etc.

Prepare a calving area where assistance can be provided easily if needed.  Purchase ear tags for calves and number them ahead of time if possible.  Plan for enough labor to watch/assist during the calving period.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Control Winter Pests of Cattle: Lice

Weekly Newspaper Article for The News-Democrat, Carrollton, KY

(Montana State University Extension)
It has been a cold start to the week and making sure our livestock are adequately cared for in these cold temperatures is a concern for all livestock producers.

In addition to being mindful of feeding high quality forages and supplemental grain to provide energy and keeping waterers flowing, we should also take a look at another pest of winter:  lice.

Lice are cold-loving pests that can spread when animals bunch together in response to frigid temperatures.

Reduce potential lice problems on cattle by keeping new animals separate from our herd until you have given them a thorough louse treatment, generally two applications of a contact insecticide.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Cold Stress & Newborn Calves

Michelle Arnold, DVM, DABVP (Food Animal)
Ruminant Extension Veterinarian
University of Kentucky

(Matt Barton, UK Agricultural Communications)
As the weather is predicted to be bitter cold over the next two days, producers should take extra care of newborn calves to ensure their survival.

A calf's body temperature often falls below normal due to a slow birth (dystocia) followed by delayed standing and nursing.  Returning the calf's core body temperature to normal (100 degrees F for newborn calves) is the immediate concern, then maintaining that core temperature is of secondary concern.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

2013 CAIP to Begin in Carroll County

Applications will be available on Friday, December 6 for the 2013 Carroll County Agricultural Investment Program (CAIP) at the Carroll County Extension Office.

Applications must be picked up and returned to the Carroll County Extension Office between December 6 and December 20.  We cannot accept applications before or after those dates.  All applications must be into the Extension office by December 20 at 4:30 p.m.

A Farm Serial Number is required information for the application, and it is strongly recommended you contact the Farm Service Agency (FSA) at (502) 732-6931 to receive or confirm that number.  Only the FSA can provide your Farm Serial Number.

The CAIP is a cost-share program that originates from the 1998 Master Tobacco Settlement and provides funding for the following agricultural categories:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fall Composting

Weekly Newspaper Article for The News-Democrat, Carrollton, KY

(Clemson Univeristy Extension)
As the fall season progresses, leaves and other yard waste can pile up.  Composting is a practice that is beneficial to the environment and allows property owners to get ride of yard wastes in an effective manner.

Finished compost can be used for a variety of tasks:  improve soil structure in gardens and landscape beds, help soil hold nutrients, reduce erosion and water runoff, reduce weed problems as mulch, moderate soil temperatures, and conserve soil moisture.  Composting yard and kitchen wastes also reduces the volume of material going into landfills.

Weeds free of seed heads and residues, like vines and pruned limbs, make a good addition to a compost pile.  It is not necessary to remove grass clippings from the lawn if you follow proper lawn management practices; however, if you decide to compost grass clippings mix them with other materials like leaves or brush.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

C.R.A.N.E. Takes Flight

C.R.A.N.E. on the Kentucky River

Over the past several months, a couple of the area Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Agents and I have been planning a new Extension program that focuses more on our local natural resources.

We call this program "Conserving Resources through Agricultural and Natural Exploration," or C.R.A.N.E.

C.R.A.N.E. was developed to bring awareness and consideration to our natural resources by thinking outside of the classroom and learning about those resources through exploring our surroundings.